Knowledgebase: General
My computer is acting very strange and/or I am getting tons of spam, viruses, spyware
Posted by Dan Moses on 27 December 2005 04:08 PM
You can get a free virus scan of your local computer using this link: and then click in the top right. This will not conflict with your local virus software because it is not installed on your computer. It removes viruses for free but to remove spyware you have to buy the product.

If your computer is acting strange after passing this virus scan and also running the spyware removal programs recommended in our knowlegebase, then we suggest getting down and dirty by cleaning out your computer completely.

To remove malware, viruses, worms and spyware that continually interrupt your browing and send you spam please follow the instructions on this page and work with this wonderful organization to get your computer running like new again.
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