Posted by Dan Moses on 11 April 2006 08:59 PM
Essentially, MSDE (Microsoft Data Engine) is a version of SQL Server that you can distribute with applications. As such, it is slightly lighter weight, and has some notable restrictions. Other than the following list, however, MSDE and the other editions of SQL Server have very similar behavior and performance characteristics.

An MSDE database can be no larger than 2 GB (this includes MDF and NDF files only — log sizes are not included in the size limit);

Performance throttling occurs when there are more than five (5) concurrent workload batches in progress (this does *not* mean 5 concurrent *users* — with a properly build application, you can certainly support more. For more detailed information about the query governor, see this MSDN topic);

MSDE cannot be a publisher in transaction replication, and when acting as publisher in all other types of replication, must also be the distributor;

MSDE does not ship with GUI administrative tools such as Enterprise Manager or Query Analyzer

MSDE does not support SQL Mail

MSDE does not offer OLAP / data warehousing capabilities; and,

MSDE does not come with Books Online, but you can download it from Microsoft downloads (updated January, 2004).


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